We would appreciate your assessment of the assigned article in a form that will help us decide if it should be published (perhaps with revisions), and with suggestions that will help the author understand how to revise the article, if necessary. Please send the Associate Editor a report that identifies the merits of this article and any significant problems that could inhibit publication. We are interested in learning about the positive contributions that this article can make both to its specialized area of research and to wider TIS readership, as well as any intellectual or stylistic problems that must be resolved.
Please formulate your comments frankly and courteously, and please
be as specific as possible. We appreciate the time you will spend
in writing a review that would help guide the Associate Editor and
the authors understand the basis of your judgments and the nature
of any revisions you believe are necessary.
We would appreciate receiving a review within 6 weeks, although
short extensions are possible. We thank you for your input, which is essential for furthering the journal's mission.